Looking for good college level argumentative essay topics
Students spend most of their essay writing time in looking for and selecting a topic. This stands to reason. Topic selection seems deceptively simple. In reality this is not so. There are just too many topics to choose from, and too many considerations around selecting just the right one. When you are asked to write an argument style essay, you are being called to argue your position on an issue of some importance, against all the other existing positions. Sometimes the teacher provides you with a list of topics to choose from, at others you are free to take up the issue you want.
It is quite easy to get attracted towards topics that seem popular or brainy or have some other “quality” that you like. This is not an ideal way to go about choosing your topic. Whatever the topic may sound like, what you write in your essay that counts. Choose a topic that YOU are interested in. Do not be deceived by forms, follow the content.
An issue that you find yourself drawn into is the issue that you should consider for your argumentative essay. Do not be limited by other people’s perceptions and judgments. You think what you think. You have the right to express your ideas, as long as those are not criminal ones. Just be sure that you can support your argument with evidence. Long emotional rants will not do. Neither will ultra-cool slogans!
The best topics for argument essays are those that debate current and controversial issues. Beware of writing about done-to-death topics. Everyone is aware of the pro-life and pro-choice arguments, for example. Do not argue yourself hoarse on yesterday’s issues either.
Here are a few good examples of argument essay topics:
- Wages should be more/less than what they are.
- The workweek should be longer/shorter.
- Basic human rights include/do not include the right to privacy.
- The age for voting should be lowered to 14.
- College dormitories should/should not allow live-in couples.
- Domestic crimes are underreported. The authorities should screen for domestic abuse instead of waiting for reports.
- Children are people. Laws should be made against the maltreatment of children as private property of parents.
- Working from home for single parents of toddlers should be made mandatory.
- Paternity leave should be equal to maternity leave for men.